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Fast charging points every 60 km on Europe's main roads

The European Parliament and the Council are working on new legislation to establish a minimum number of fast charging points on the Trans-European Transport Network to facilitate electric mobility.
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Mobile chargers for electric vehicles: why do they make sense?

This kind of devices allow the battery of an electric vehicle to be charged from a standard socket. But are there any other advantages? And is it worth the investment?

Charging stations from Mont Saint-Michel to Lake Como

Discover all the charging stations available on your route if you leave from Mont-Saint-Michel to Lake Como.
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Electromaps crosses the 500,000 registered users mark

The last 12 months have been showing almost exponential growth of our user base, with now more than half a million registered users in the app, vs “only” 200,000 users back in April 2022. What a ride!

Guide to taking photos and helping the Electromaps community

We explain how to take the best photos to make your contributions to Electromaps even more helpful, while protecting your privacy and that of other users.
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How Electromaps works: tips and tricks

Finding charging stations and activating EV charges is straightforward with Electromaps. We explain how this app works and some tips.
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Start using Electomaps today

We provide leading-edge smart charging services for EV drivers and Charge Point Operators alike, be they companies, municipalities or utilities. Our vision is a clean, carbon-free future with silen