Once again, at Electromaps we are celebrating the milestones of the past year. Achievements made possible thanks to the teamwork between app users, customers of our fleet and charge point management software, installers, CPOs, partners, and the Electromaps team.
We look back at what happened throughout 2023, which makes us stay fully committed to providing services for the development of charging infrastructure and the advancement of electric mobility in Europe.

Electromaps users community keeps on growing

On 31 December 2023, we closed the year with a total of 854,098 registered users on the Electromaps app, more than double the number of the previous year. These users contributed with a lot of information, adding 8,750 new charging points to the charging stations map, editing 10,718 existing points, uploading 27,201 photos and 42,597 comments. On average, the community of drivers and users of the Electromaps app made 245 contributions per day in 2023. Congratulations to all of you!
In addition, the three users with the most contributions of each month in 2023 and the top contributor of the year, have been rewarded with a total of €4,100 in prizes for their charges.

Electromaps delivered 5,382,589 kWh in 377,130 charging sessions, allowing their users to drive emission-free for around 376,321 kilometres, saving 4,486 tonnes of CO2 emissions compared to combustion vehicles.
New CPOs agreements and more benefits for users
More direct connections were established with the charging point operators (CPOs) which allowed us to provide you with real-time information on the status and availability of charging points, and tariffs received directly by the operators themselves. Plenitude Be Charge, Electra and Powy are now part of our list of CPO partners across the continent, helping us to offer the best EV charging solution in Europe.
These agreements helped us to add 218,000 points connected to Electromaps last year and to have a total of 462,212 points on our map by the end of 2023.

Electromaps' solutions for businesses expand

In mid-2023, we launched our electric vehicle fleet and charging point management software. This meant 1,594 new chargers monitored by Electromaps and 750 new B2B customers - awesome!
Hotels, restaurants, shopping centres, car parks, petrol stations, offices, factories, warehouses, public administrations, and many other types of entities rely on our solutions to continue moving towards zero-emission mobility.

In 2024, we will continue working towards more accessible electric mobility and a more sustainable future.