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Electromaps Christmas Contest 2023

Share your photos of your trip back home for Christmas and win a 10€ gift from Electromaps. The winning photos will be announced in January.

María Rodríguez
Dec 13, 2023
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Updated on 09/01/2024

Are you driving home for Christmas? That was the question for our social media followers last year. We wanted to spread the magic of Christmas and the excitement of going home to spend time with our loved ones

We liked the experience so much that we are doing it again this year!

How to enter the Electromaps Xmas 2023 competition

30 winning photos of €10 charging credit will be selected from all our social media followers who have: 

  • 👍Followed us on X (formerly Twitter) or Instagram.
  • @ Tagged Electromaps.
  • #️⃣Used the hashtag #ElectromapsXmas2023.
  • 🤳And shared a photo of their electric vehicle coming home for Christmas.

You can take part from 14 December 2023 to 3 January 2024 (photos posted outside this time frame will not have the option of the prize).

The same user can participate with up to 2 different photos, one for each social network.

In the event of a tie, the photo with the highest number of reactions by January, 8th at noon will be the winner. Therefore, sharing the publication and tagging connections may increase the chance of winning.

The winning photos will be published in this article.

Winners will be contacted by private message from the social network where the photos were posted.

The prize will be given in the form of charging credits that can only be redeemed on the Electromaps app. The credits are in Euros and can only be spent on charging stations inside the Eurozone.

Good luck, and enjoy Christmas with your loved ones!

The winning photos of the Electromaps Christmas 2023 competition are...

Concurso Navidad 2023 de Electromaps - foto ganadora -
Photo by
Concurso Navidad 2023 de Electromaps - foto ganadora - myblueami
Photo by myblueami
Concurso Navidad 2023 de Electromaps - foto ganadora - full4.0
Photo by full4.0
Concurso Navidad 2023 de Electromaps - foto ganadora - eleonorasomaschini
Photo by eleonorasomaschini
Concurso Navidad 2023 de Electromaps - foto ganadora - vane__645
Photo by vane__645

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María Rodríguez
Dec 13, 2023
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