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EVectrum, the solution chosen by the hotel Domaine de la Pommeraye

The Domaine de la Pommeraye Hotel and Spa, with the help of EVectrum, has succeeded in combining sustainable luxury and electric mobility to take the customer experience to the next level.

Benjamin Vindry
Oct 23, 2023
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Today we present the case of Domaine de la Pommeraye, a guesthouse and spa in northern France that offers high-quality services in an exceptional setting. The hotel and spa, which has been aware of the growing popularity of electric vehicles in France and Europe for several years, has made electric car charging points available to its guests as another way of attracting and retaining new guests, as well as benefiting its business.

el hotel Demaine de la Pommeraye gestiona sus puntos de carga para vehículos eléctricos con EVectrum, de Electromaps

Wallbox chargers replaced the Tesla

A few months ago, Domaine de la Pommeraye made a significant change to the way it serves its customers by introducing EV charging points for everyone. The decision was prompted by growing demand from travellers, the need to offer fair prices and a commitment to a more sustainable future.

cargadores Wallbox Cooper SB con el software EVectrum de Electromaps - hotel Domaine de la Pommeraye

Six years ago, the hotel took its first initiative by installing Tesla chargers to meet the needs of its electric vehicle customers. 

During these years, they experienced a surge in the number of electric vehicle customers, mainly from the Nordic countries and the Netherlands, and had to deal with some emerging issues, such as high charges or vehicles parked for long periods. It soon became clear that a new approach was needed, a more accessible and equitable solution that would meet their real needs at all times: Wallbox chargers and Electromaps management software.

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Electromaps and Wallbox, the perfect match for EV charging

The search for the perfect solution led Domaine de la Pommeraye to a local installer who introduced them to the Wallbox Cooper SB chargers. This installer referred them to Electromaps for the supervision of these two terminals. "The ease of installation of the chargers was a great advantage in this transition," says Mr Duval, the hotel manager. 

Referring to EVectrum, Electromaps' charger management software, he adds: "We can now consult all the data relating to the operation of the chargers from anywhere on the control panel of the monitoring platform.”

vehículo eléctrico recargando en cargadores Wallbox Cooper SB del hotel Domaine de la Pommeraye, activables con Electromaps

The two three-phase Copper SB Wallbox charging stations, which entered service in February 2023, were selected for their ability to provide up to 22kW, and with Type 2 connectors, the most common in Europe for this type of power.

Positive impact of charging points in the business

The installation of the charging points has had a significant impact on the company. Employees have also embraced electric mobility, helping to reduce the company's carbon footprint. Unfortunately, only 35% of EV drivers in Europe can charge their EVs at work.

In addition, some local farms have switched to 100% electric power, strengthening links with the community.

"Charging points are expected as a service"

Nowadays, the presence of charging points has become an expected standard for travellers, as Mr Duval explains: "Charging points are expected as a service.” All booking platforms already indicate whether or not chargers are available, in addition to charging point maps, such as Electromaps, which allow filtering by hotel. Mr Duval adds that "charging fees, although stable, are an incentive to disconnect when the charge reaches 80%". 

In addition to the attractiveness of the charging points themselves, which sets Domaine de la Pommeraye apart from its competitors, this service has generated several thousand euros in revenue. The chargers are on the wall, and wooden logs have been placed on the ground to clearly delimit the parking spaces.

EV charges at hotel Domaine de la Pommeraye - EVectrum by Electromaps

Towards sustainability

Over the next five years, Domaine de la Pommeraye plans to reinforce its commitment to sustainability and electric mobility by installing an electric bicycle parking area with charging facilities for this type of vehicle. They are also considering equipping two of their buildings with photovoltaic panels to power both bicycles and electric cars, as well as installing a heat pump for their swimming pool.

hotel Domaine de la Pommeraye con puntos de carga para vehículos eléctricos gestionados por Electromaps

In conclusion, Domaine de la Pommeraye has managed to combine luxury and sustainability through its commitment to electric mobility. This initiative illustrates how companies can adapt to market trends while remaining true to their environmental values. Domaine de la Pommeraye is becoming an inspiring example of a company that adapts to changing customer needs while offering a unique experience to its eco-conscious customers.

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Domaine de la Pommeraye is another case, like Hotel Vichy Catalán, where we see how eMobility contributes to a cleaner and more sustainable future for all, while meeting the needs of customers.

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Benjamin Vindry
Oct 23, 2023
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